Sunday, December 19, 2010

slow roasted tomatoes

i actually had already eaten almost all of the large (and best) slow roasted tomatoes when i remembered that i hadn't yet taken a photo.... they were sooo good! the cherry tomatoes were also good, but perhaps would have been better if i had roasted them longer. the tomatoes were grown in our very own garden :)

method for both:

slice all tomatoes in half and place on oiled baking trays (cherry and regular tomatoes on separate trays for different cooking times)

drizzled with more extra virgin olive oil and balsamic, sprinkled with maldon salt and cracked pepper.

the cherry tomatoes went in to the oven at about 180 c for an hour or two- they came out yummy BUT the big tomatoes went in the oven for about 8 hours, at as low as the oven goes and they were AMAZING, so lesson learnt here!


1 comment:

  1. They look great. I love oven roasted toms - even better when you grow them too.
